Check out what’s coming up.
Flight with the Angels
Sunday, March 30, 2025 at the Everett Performing Arts Center
Everett Chorale invites you to our winter concert featuring songs about angels. We will be performing Goodall’s Requiem featuring a chamber orchestera.
Everett Performing Arts Center, located at 2710 Wetmore Avenue in Downtown Everett.
Purchase tickets at the box office or online:
$25 General Admission
$20 Senior/Military/Youth
2024/2025 Season "Flight"
Join the Everett Chorale for our 59th season, “Flight.”
On December 8, we will share the stage with with Evergreen Community Orchestra and Snohomish County Youth Chorus. Selections will include John Rutter’s “Gloria”; an arrangement of “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” for chorus and orchestra; and “Walking in the Air” by Blake for chorus and orchestra.
At our March 30 2025 concert “Flight: With the Angels” repertoire will include “Eternal Light” by Goodall, featuring a small orchestra.
In June 2025, our theme of “Flight: Up and Away” will highlight songs about flight including Whitacre’s “Leonardo and His Amazing Flying Machine,” Lauridsen’s “Sure On This Shining Night,” and Parton/Johnson’s “Light of a Clear Blue Morning.” We will again be joined by the Snohomish County Youth Chorus.
Want to sing with us? Join the Everett Chorale.
Always wanted to sing in a choir course
The Everett Chorale Association is hosting a series of classes in the summer of 2025 called "Always Wanted to Sing in a Choir?" Designed specifically for newer singers or those wanting a solid refresher, this six week course will be led by three members of our chorale: Heather MacLaughlin Garbes, Janet Hitt and Cheryl Grohn,
This 6 week course is designed to assist singers develop their vocal, musical, and music reading capabilities. We provide a unique opportunity for singers of all ages to work together collaboratively. Aside from the fun of singing with peers, our participants can take part in community singing opportunities, including the option to sing onstage with the Everett Chorale at their December concert, and receive training from top quality vocal instructors.
Watch for more information about dates and costs plus registration.