Advertise with the Chorale
Thank you for your interest in advertising in the Everett Chorale’s concert program. Ad revenue helps us cover marketing expenses while benefitting local businesses, organizations and events.
Please fill out the form to request advertising with the Everett Chorale. Alternatively, you may download and submit this file.
Designing the ad is the responsibility of the individual.
Business card artwork files may be submitted; for larger size ads please provide an graphic that is in a pdf or jpeg format that will fit the dimensions listed below.
All graphics need to be output in high-resolution, at the specified dimensions.
Ads should be “program ready” or ready to be put into the concert program as is.
Payment for the ad can be made online here.
If paying with a check, please make it payable to the Everett Chorale Association.
Artwork files may be sent via email.